商品資訊 (Product information)
引擎式拉桿 (Front Strut Bar)
材質 (Material): SUS304 Stainless Steel
重量 (Weight):0.90 Kg
顏色 (Color):粉體烤漆黑 Black
KCDesign 拉桿簡介 ( Lower Braces Features)
- SUS304不鏽鋼精製 (made of sus304 stainless steel)
- 高品質粉體烤漆塗裝 (high quality powder coating)
- 鋼材強度適中不死硬 (The material has moderate hardness, not too hard)
- 競技、道路使用兩相宜 (Designed for street and race use)
- 多點一體式結構,效果顯著又舒適 (multi-point one-piece structure, the effect is significant and comfortable)
- 原廠鎖點直上無需額外修改、鑽孔 (original factory lock straight without additional modification, drilling)
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