商品資訊 (Product information)
品名 (Product):Rear Sway Bar (24mm) - Volvo XC90 15Y- (SPA)
適用車型 (Applicable Models):
- Volvo XC90 18Y- All
材質 (Material):SAE9254 熱鍛實心彈簧鋼 (Solid SAE9254 Steel - Hot Forged )
配件 (Accessories):防傾桿橡膠以及固定座一組 (Sway bar Support (Up & Down) x2、Bush x2)
重量 (Weight):6.40 Kg
顏色 (Color):粉體烤漆黃 Yellow
直徑 (Diameter):原廠空心22mm / RD版 空心23mm - > 提升至實心 24mm (OE Hollow 22mm / RD Hollow 23mm-> KCDesign Solid 24mm)
注意事項 (Notices):需沿用原廠防傾桿固定座 (the original sway bar holder must be disassembled to used)
The core reason for choosing solid spring steel is for "safety". Many brands use hollow tubes to reduce weight, but the probability of hollow tubes breaking during use is much higher than anti-roll bars made of solid steel tubes! In this case, weight savings comes at the expense of safety. Therefore, anti-roll bars made of solid spring steel are superior to hollow-design anti-roll bars in terms of safety and longevity.
KCDesign focuses on European cars and solves handling problems through upgraded anti-roll bars. And this anti-roll bar is manufactured by a factory in Taiwan that has passed ISO international certification and cooperates with major OEM manufacturers! Quality and lifespan comply with relevant specifications.
KCDesign 防傾桿產品特性 ( Sway Bars Features)
- 使用SAE9254 彈簧鋼材,熱鍛造一體成型製造,並採用特殊熱處理技術,讓產品完全符合原廠防傾桿的材料使用規範以及耐久的使用壽命。
- 採用與原廠相同材質的橡膠原料,並加強其硬度,來達成與原廠防傾桿橡膠相同的使用壽命。
- 有效抑制因激烈操駕而產生的車身側傾,大幅提升操控及駕馭樂趣。
- 不模仿他牌,專為該車設計應有的直徑與效果,更能符合使用者所需。
- 不斷精進改良,使得品牌支持度逐年提升,成為近期受消費者歡迎的品牌。
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